Common Actions you Should Avoid With Your Toddler.


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Common Actions you Should Avoid With Your Toddler.

Congratulations on becoming a new parent! As you've probably heard, the first few years are the most exciting and exhausting of your life. Many parents make common mistakes when caring for their toddlers. These can be avoided with a little forethought, and some preparation.

Here are some things you should avoid doing with your toddler:
  • Going to Public Bathrooms
Even if it's been 10 hours since your toddler last used the bathroom, do not take them into the public restroom! Whether it's the airport or a restaurant, there is no place more likely to bring out your toddler's inner hooligan than a public bathroom. Yes, they need to go, but so do all those other patrons who are trying to enjoy their time out instead of smelling your child's number two. Hold it in until you get home, or find a private place where you can change them in peace.
  • Waiting Until After Bedtime To Bathe Them
Of course they're tired and cranky at bedtime, but don't wait until after they've completely exhausted themselves to bathe them! Your toddler is just as stubborn as you are (probably even more so), and will fight tooth and nail against getting into that bathtub if they're too tired. Make sure you bath them before bedtime.
  • Leaving the House Without a Diaper
Don't leave the house without a diaper. A child without a diaper is messy and stinky, and will make you look like an irresponsible parent.
  • Leaving the House Without Snacks
Don't leave the house without snacks. If you don't bring snacks for your toddler, then they may have a tantrum when they get hungry. Again, it makes you look like an irresponsible parent if your child is having a tantrum in a public place because they're hungry or thirsty.
  • Not Making Them Pray and Wash hands Before Meal
Don't forget to tell your child to pray and wash their hands before eating their snacks. This is just good hygiene practice! Again, this is something that should be obvious, but it's easy to forget when you're busy!
  • Comparing Them With Other Kids
Don’t compare your kid to other kids, even if they seem to be developing super fast. Your toddler is an individual with their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and comparing them to other toddlers will make them feel insecure about themselves.
  • Telling Them No! all the Time
Don't tell your child "no" too much. It can make them afraid of making their own decisions about things.
  • Being Their Friend at all Times
Don’t try to be your child's friend all the time. They need boundaries and structure from a parent, not someone who just gives them what they want whenever they want it!
  • Making Big Deal Out of Everything
Try to avoid making a big deal out of everything that goes wrong. Your child is still learning how to navigate the world, and they will make plenty of mistakes as they learn. Don't add extra stress by criticizing every little thing they do wrong.
  • Not Being Conscious of The Gadgets They Touch.
Ensure they stay away from gadgets ( Gas or electric cooker and sockets) and automobiles. Don't leave your car key or car door open while you are away. Before driving out ensure you check the surroundings, also under the car.


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Being a parent has no 100% formula for success, especially when you are dealing with a toddler. I have two of them, so I do know that what works well with one child will not work with another one.

I believe that while parenting has some basic principles to be followed, you should try to do your best, according to the child you are dealing with at the moment.

This is something that I find very interesting about the first point. When a toddler has to go, they simply have to go. It doesn't matter if it's a public toilet or not. This is especially true when you are potty training, and some will refuse to go in a diaper. It doesn't mean you should make other people uncomfortable but you need to just let things go the way they have to go sometimes.


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Although it is normal and usual for children to crave the eating of sweetened product like Candy , chocolate , cakes , and other junk food it is advisable as a guardian or parent not to allow your little children consume more of this junk foods so as not to affect your health in the near future . According to health analyst and physicians it was analysed that children from the age of three to five whose parents and guardians allow them to consume more of junk foods and snacks are more likely to develop eye health related issues when they reach the age of 20 to 30 . It is understandable that it feels good to consume junk foods and snacks but the problem here is that it should be done in moderation so as to avoid further health complications .

Another thing you must not allowed your little children to do , is to be close to where drugs are kept . Drugs is a very good substance used in fighting illness , sickness , and other body infections that we may encounter . Yet it has the ability to kill someone especially if it is taken overdosed , majority of little children are more likely not to know what a drug is , so it's advised to keep drugs away from children's reach .