Cons of division of labour and specialisation to


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As we all know in most Everything in the business, there are benefits and demerits of them. So some of the common demerits of a division of labour and specialisation can be;

It's monotonous nature leads to boredom. This is because the workers can repeat the same thing day in day out on the day to day operations of the business.

Specialisation may make a country dependent on other countries.

Also specialisation can make a worker dependent on one trade risking his employment in case his /her skills or product loose demand in the market.

It hinders creativity since people work mechanically like machines. This often kills talents and potential innovations that comes contribute positively to the organisation.

It causes the interruption of the work of a few people derails the entire process.

Specialisation and division of labour brings people together hence causing social implications like congestion which cause social crimes like prostitution, robbery, domestic chaos, robbery among other social crimes.

It causes lack of motivation as the individual worker might be very proud of themselves for being the only ones for being the experts in the given field. This can demoralise the others and it can lead to the production of low quality products hence reducing the performance of the business.