Control your Blood Sugar


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If you suffer from type 2 diabetes, you know it is very important to control your blood sugar levels. Even a slight increase in diabetes can lead to heart disease and kidney disease according to the American Diabetes Association.

Controlling high blood sugar is very important but if blood sugar rises suddenly, don't take it lightly, instead be careful and find out the causes. When the amount of sugar in the body increases and decreases rapidly after eating food, the amount of blood sugar increases.

Hyperglycemia is a condition in which the sugar level rises. This dangerous condition of diabetes makes us at risk to a lot of diseases. That is why doctors always advise controlling blood sugar in diabetics.


VIP Contributor
Most people truly don't regulate their sugar content. They consume sugar without even considering their health. The recent video of Ronaldo rejection of coca cola and preference for water tells us that we need to revere water more than taking any sugary content for the sake of our health


VIP Contributor
Yes this is really the truth but I wonder why some people are always so careless to the point that they do not really care much about their health even when they are above the age of 40. We really need to take this serious if not the rate of dying will be so much especially in the nearest future. Some men do not really have time for it.