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The concept of a "creative self-working principle" refers to a method or approach that allows for creative problem-solving or achieving desired outcomes with minimal conscious effort or direct intervention. It involves setting up a framework or system that allows creativity to emerge naturally. Here are some principles that can foster a creative self-working approach:

1. Prepare and Gather Knowledge: Immerse yourself in the subject matter or area where you want to be creative. Gather a wide range of information, perspectives, and ideas related to the problem or goal you are working on. This foundation of knowledge will provide you with a rich pool of resources to draw from subconsciously.

2. Incubation and Reflection: Once you have gathered the necessary information, step away from the problem and allow your mind to incubate the ideas. Give yourself time to reflect, relax, and engage in activities unrelated to the problem at hand. Often, insights and creative ideas emerge when the mind is in a relaxed and unfocused state.

3. Embrace Serendipity: Remain open to unexpected and serendipitous experiences or encounters. Sometimes, unrelated experiences or chance encounters can provide valuable insights or trigger creative connections. Keep an open mind and be receptive to new ideas and perspectives.

4. Trust Your Intuition: Develop trust in your intuition and subconscious mind. Sometimes, our subconscious processes information and finds creative solutions without our conscious awareness. Learn to listen to your intuition and instinctive responses. Allow your subconscious mind to guide you in problem-solving or decision-making processes.

5. Create an Inspiring Environment: Surround yourself with an environment that fosters creativity. Arrange your physical space in a way that stimulates your imagination and encourages free thinking. Incorporate elements like art, music, plants, and natural light that inspire and energize you.

6. Harness the Power of Constraints: Constraints can often stimulate creativity by forcing you to think outside the box and find innovative solutions. Embrace limitations and use them as a catalyst for creative problem-solving. Sometimes, having fewer options or resources can lead to more inventive and resourceful outcomes.

7. Experiment and Iterate: Adopt a mindset of experimentation and iteration. Embrace the iterative process of trial and error, learning from failures, and refining your ideas. Allow yourself to explore different possibilities and take risks without fear of making mistakes.

8. Collaborate and Seek Diverse Perspectives: Engage in collaborative discussions and seek out diverse perspectives. Interacting with others who have different backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints can spark new ideas and push your thinking in unexpected directions. Embrace constructive feedback and be open to incorporating different perspectives into your creative process.

Remember that creativity is a deeply personal and subjective process. What works for one person may not work for another. Experiment with different approaches and adapt them to fit your unique style and preferences. By nurturing an environment that encourages creative thinking, embracing serendipity, and trusting your subconscious mind, you can tap into your inherent creativity and allow it to work in a self-directed manner.