Cutting costs at home


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When I was working in a bank we had a seminar on cost cutting. But it was not only for the office but was also applicable to the home. In fact, one homework of the seminar was to list down the items that can reduce the spending at home. It was a pretty good challenge for everyone because it looked easy since we are all familiar with our home. But it is not so.

The most common items to cut cost on are electricity and water which came out as the top 2 items. Food is next which is not really good because we should not scrimp on food although I agree to cut on desserts in times of crisis. Roasting instead of frying can save on cooking oil. What can you share for your own cost cutting at home?
In my opinion, people waste money on food. They buy and eat a lot of items which are totally unnecessary. For example, you can limit your meat intake and eat a more plant-based diet (which is healthy and costs less), you can eliminate the money you spend on soft drinks by switching to homemade lemonade.