Disadvantages of short term goals

In my previous writeup, i mentioned some advantages of setting up short term goals. In today's article, we are going to be looking at the disadvantages of setting up short term goals.

You might get distracted
A lot of us has various tasks and activities we do everyday. This makes one distracted and not to keep up with his/her schedules. You might also be busy with work, school and other tasks that might hinder you from your achievements.

Getting unmotivated
some people may not have the motivation they needed in achieving their dreams due to time factor. You might not get what you actually needed on the set date and this leaves people discouraged and unmotivated.

Makes you feel like a failure
not achieving all of your short term goals will make achieving feel like a failure. Even if you fail to achieve one single task, it might still leave you thinking and may cause depression and over thinking.

Causes stress and fatigue
Stress is associated with too much activities you carry out due to work/family factor. When you overstress yourself, you have the feeling of giving up and fatigue.

This are some of the disadvantages of setting up a short term goal, you can add yours in the comment section.
Short term goals can be beneficial to your company, but there are also a number of disadvantages. For one thing, short term goals can cause you to miss out on long-term opportunities. Short term goals often focus on immediate needs, and meeting these needs can cause you to overlook new opportunities that could benefit your company in the long run.

In addition, short term goals may result in poor decision making. Focusing on short term goals can cause you to make decisions based on whatever will help meet those goals right now. This may lead to decisions that are not necessarily in the best interest of your company over the long term.

A final disadvantage of short term goals is that they may result in lower employee morale. When focusing on short term goals, employees may feel as though they aren't able to do their best work because of the pressure to meet deadlines and achieve results quickly. This can lead to a lack of job satisfaction and even lower productivity overall. Short term goal may make you propose things that requires an unrealistic amount of time, especially if they don't know what it takes to complete the goal in the first place.
I agree with the fact that short term goals can lead to bad decision making, in most cases you might be working under pressure to meet up with a particular deadline, with that, there is every possiblity of making mistakes, but I do not agree that short term goals can make you miss out on other long terms goals, cause the main reasons they are called short term is that they are not ment to take most of your time or to completely distract you form the bigger picture.
Those disadvantages of short term goals you mentioned make so much sense. Though I see them as challenges you face when trying to achieve your short term goals rather than disadvantages of achieving them. Of which, these challenges can be dealt with so that you can get better at achieving your goals.

One thing that happens most times with short term goals is that you actually get easily distracted. Maybe you have set to write a certain number of posts daily. But you easily get distracted during the day by things like watching a movie. It is best to be aware of such distractions so that you can choose a better place to work from and learn to say no to those distractions.

Another challenge is that you may find yourself procrastinating a lot because of it of looking at the greater result rather than focusing on the small tasks you need to do in order to achieve that bigger goal. Whenever you put off the work, your guilt builds up and that makes you procrastinate more. It is best to look for a solution to this by reading procrastination self help books and learning to have self discipline so that you don't give in to your procrastination always.
Short-term goals might seem like a simple, straightforward way to get things done. However, they can have a few disadvantages. It may be hard to create long-term goals if you're only focused on the immediate future. For example, it's easy to get caught up in the fast pace of work when you're only looking at your daily responsibilities

Some people find that if they don't have long-term goals and intentions in mind, they won't have enough motivation to keep them going when things get difficult. This is because there might not be any strong reason for you to keep working on something if you don't know what the end result will be. The main disadvantage of short-term goals is that they can lead us into a cycle of short-term thinking. When we don't think about our long term goals or intentions, we may make decisions based on what we want right now instead of considering how those choices will affect us later on.
Short-term goals can be beneficial when they motivate you to take action, provide a sense of accomplishment, and increase your productivity within a short time.
When it comes to goal setting and the time frame for it, it's best to find what works for you and under which circumstances.

While some people prefer having log term goals and targets, some like me find that short term goals motivate us more to work harder. It also makes the tasks seem less daunting and time consuming

I have studied what some successful people have to say on goal setting and they seem to go with what works for them. Some will first set long term goals, then break it down into smaller goals and targets on work on it one step at a time.