Drink more Water


Valued Contributor
The method of drinking more water is used by many fitness coaches and athletes to reduce belly fat. Drinking water regularly helps to eliminate toxins and enhance metabolism, ensuring optimal body functions. Sometimes, we are thirsty and mistaken for appetite.

Drink a glass of water to relieve thirst before eating anything, and avoid eating beyond the needs of the body. In the morning, after waking up for about ten minutes, drink a glass of water. This will help the body.

You will feel fresh for the new day. Not only that, this is also the time to drop fat very well. In this fast-paced and practical era, supplemented drinks such as protein shakes are suitable for all the family members.

A K Rao

Active member
I agree that we must have the sufficient amount of the water that is required by the body to have proper metabolism, hydration of the body, detoxification, to maintain the blood volume and also for the production of sufficient volume of the urine by the body for healthy living. Optimum amount of water is required to maintain the turgidity and softness of the skin, it is required for the perspiration for maintaining the temperature too. It is recommended by the experts that one must have 8 to 9 glassful of water or at least 3 liters of water per day.


VIP Contributor
Drinking water is a great way to feel fresh and relieve thrist and exhaustion. However, many people believe that we must drink at least eight glasses of water in a day. However, many people have rejected these claims. The fact of the matter is that you must drink water when you feel like and whenever you feel thirsty.


VIP Contributor
I have watched a lot of YouTube videos stating out the advantage of drinking warm water on an empty stomach especially in the morning but sometimes I warm water are always difficult for people to drink especially for me I do not know of others. I don't really take water on an empty stomach in the morning because it can causes stomach upset for me.


Verified member
We should make sure we are drinking enough water regularly because water is very important to our health as it helps in hydration and also helps in reducing the risk of developing certain diseases and water makes us to be active and strong so we make sure we are drinking water Regularly


Active member
Drinking enough water is the best way to be healthy because our body need water to operate very well most especially the organs in the body


Drinking water regularly is for our own benefit if you are drain you can be having serious headache so water is very good in the body


Active member
Water is important in our body and most people do prefer drinks than water without knowing drinks have side effect unlike water which helps in our health