Earn money with LBRY, it's better and easier than Youtube


New member
Hello all,

maybe you don't know about a network called LBRY where you can earn money for doing a lot of tasks. Even for watching videos of other users you earn money.

They pay with a crypto called also LBRY, which right now is about 0,03 USD. They don't have advertisement for now, they just want that you interact with another users,

you can upload your own content, and they will pay you when the account is 7 days old.

They pay you also 15 LBRY for getting referrals with your link. Every day you get some LBRYs for watching some content and more ways...

Sign up now, confirm your email and you account will be active already,

use my link and your account will have VIP pass ??: Join @monkeyseemonkeydo on LBRY