Effect of cholesterol in the body


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Having isn't bad because the body needs cholesterol to make hormones, digestive fluid and hormones and cholesterol also help organ to function properly but too much of it is not good it can cause some certain complications like damage in the arteries, increase risk of stroke and also contribute to heart disease
1. Too much cholesterol in the body can build up in the arteries clogging them and making them to be less flexible which makes the blood not to flow very well because of the stuff arteries.
2. Cholesterol is use to make hormones like estrogen, cortisol and testosterone
3. Cholesterol is also an essential components of the human brain because the brain contains about 25 percent of the body entire supply of the cholesterol
Cholesterol is not bad it is only when it is too much in the body that it is always bad and we should avoid it.
Too much cholesterol in the body causes blockage of blood through the heart which can lead to heart attack or heart disease
High cholesterol in the body causes weight gain which increases the risk of developing diseases in the body
High cholesterol in the body makes the organ to get affected due to some reactions that the cholesterol will cause In the body
Cholesterol is not good for body it block the blood stream and cause heart attack avoid bad ground nut oil the if the fat in the body is much,
When you have high cholesterol in the body it causes obesityare overweight which increases the risk of developing diseases in the body and this high cholesterol makes you to be less active
we need cholesterol in the body but we need to make sure it is not in excess because when you have high cholesterol it is not good it affect the body