Effective Strategies for Multi-Channel Attribution Modeling

King bell

VIP Contributor
It is a marketing strategy that looks at the value of every contact point in a buyer’s journey, helping business people to know which channels have the highest contributions towards conversions. The implementation of this strategy requires that businesses establish clear goals and objectives, understand customer journeys, select appropriate attribution models, blend attribution models, use multi-touchpoint tracking, evaluate cross-device behavior, account for offline touchpoints, measure assisted conversions, adapt window periods for accreditation purposes and take note of seasonal changes by employing UTM parameters. The model should also be periodically reviewed and refined; different teams should also collaborate; outcomes must be tested and verified; and technology must be invested in.

The model is guided by clear objectives and KPIs while understanding customer journeys help to identify touchpoints across various channels. Some common models are last click, first click, linear and time decay. Last click and first click are examples of rule-based attribution models. These include last click (based on rule) through to first click (the initial searching). By combining several such attribution models one can gain a complete understanding of the entire customer journey.