Emails to Automate to Increase Sales.


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To increase sales, upsells, and profits, automate these 3 emails.

1. The greetings email

You only get one chance to make a great first impression. Also, if you don't make a good first impression on a new subscriber, neither will your follow-up campaigns.

The welcome email is the focal point of your email campaigns since it generates three times as many transactions and dollars per email as other promotional communications.

Visitors who take the effort to subscribe to your email list are providing you access to their inbox in addition to their consent to receive future emails. Don't be careless with their confidence. Pace your audience's anticipation of what lies ahead.

Send out welcoming emails that are friendly and enjoyable to new subscribers. For instance, you may provide them with exclusive coupon codes. This will drive sales among prospects who just made a conscious commitment to interact further with your organization.

2. The Email Upon Cart Abandonment

People do indeed get sidetracked. When they go online to buy something, something takes their focus away. For instance, they get a Facebook notification, their phone rings, there's a knock on the door... and they abandon their cart without a second thought.

According to a report by Baymard Institute, 69% of e-commerce visitors abandon their shopping cart and 61% name high shipping cost as their reason.

Turn your cart abandoners into customers by addressing shipping costs in follow-up emails.

Can you tell the lifetime worth of your customers? After sampling your services, are the majority of them likely to become regular customers? Offer them a "risky" discount if they are so they can afford to lose money up front. Yet, if your delivery prices are too low to be competitive, solicit feedback.

Although you won't always succeed in persuading shoppers to finalize their purchases, strive to get in touch with them to learn why. Use their comments to enhance your checkout procedure.

3. Teaser for New Product

You may increase interest in your new product by creating seductive and enticing email advertisements that tease it. This will build a large amount of support and it will help you reach your project.