Explaining Domain Name Servers and Their Role in Web Hosting

King bell

VIP Contributor
DNS servers are crucial to web hosting because they serve as a phonebook for the internet by translating domain names into IP addresses. Web pages have unique IP addresses but it is easier to remember domain names because they end with .net, .com e.t.c. In case you type a domain name, your computer consults a DNS server in order to know the corresponding IP address. It involves checking local DNS cache, ISP’s resolver, authoritative DNS servers and root DNS servers among others. The DNS resolver queries way through different servers until it finds the right IP address thus it is stored in cache for future retrieval. Web hosting is about renting space on a server for website files. Updating of DNS records pointing to the hosting server’s IP address helps one’s website become available via its domain name. Websites’ content will only be successfully reached by connecting user devices to servers that host them via DNS Servers simplifying website access.