Saving Money Food budgeting to avoid wastage


VIP Contributor
I have to admit that I am strict when it comes to wastage of food because it does not only cost money but the food had also consumed the utilities. Cooking a kilo of fish versus half a kilo makes a big difference in the fuel and cooking oil. To save on that be sure to buy only the ingredients that can be eaten. When it comes to fish I buy only 3 pieces because there are only 3 of us at home for dinner. Usually our lunch is different than dinner that we can have small pieces of chicken for us and for our dogs as well.


Active member
I have to agree planning and prep meal definitely saves a lot of food. And in fact it get the waste in control. When you buy things you don't need. You tend to create more of issues for the waste and also the money is being spent. When you go out and buy food, then you tend to buy more without calculating the overall cost and the quantity. A lot of time the over used quality is what leads to the problem. And that adds up the waste. I think that is the part that needs changing.

I always make sure to prep meals and use it before buying new vegetables. And also pay attention to perishable items. As those decide what can be done with those type of the vegetables and the in general food items.


Valued Contributor
It is very wise to budget your food to aviod wastage, and at the end it might lead to food shortage. It's is bad to eat or prepare what you can finish consuming. It is so bad because there are people out there that needs that food that we allow to waste most time. So it is very wise to budget very wisely on how we prepare our food.