General well-being and happiness


New member
Looking after ones' emotional well-being is just as important as caring for your physical health. By actively nurturing wellness, you’re better able to handle life’s challenges and bounce back when bad things happen. Find out what makes you happy, and simply do it.


Valued Contributor
That is some good advice there. It is truly very important to take good care of your mental health as well as your physical health. Doing so certainly helps you live a happy life and creates resilience so that you can rise up quickly when faced with anything. Everyone has a way that makes them be happy, find yours and do it often.


VIP Contributor
This is one of the reasons I do avoid certain things in my life because I do not need a situation in which I am not always happy emotionally. I have a lot of things to focus on and I have to focus on them first before I can invite other things into my life. I don't want to have unnecessary stress on something that will not help me.