Gestational age


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This is the age in weeks at which the baby is born baby can be pre term and post term. preterm or premature baby is one born before the 37th week of pregnancy full-term baby in one born after the 37th week of pregnancy it is 40 + 2 weeks of pregnancy pre or postmature is one born after the 42nd week of pregnancy in full-time the baby is usually relatively normal there's neither birth anoxia nor asphyxia nutrition and oxygenation are adequate in post maturity it is known that after the 42nd week of pregnancy the placenta mutually begins to degenerate them the baby suffers from placenta insufficiency there is birth anoxia leading to fetal distress and there's also passage of meconium which may lead to uterine death.
There are many problems of premature baby like hypothermia, hyploglycaemia, jaundice, respiratory problem such as apnoeic attack and recurrent infections.
preterm of premature baby has the advantage of having lived in a normal environment and the author is the cause of prematurity is not known but some conditions have been implicated and include maternal illness emotional upset multiple pregnancy and previous termination of pregnancy