Grief, Its Causes, and Its Resolution


Grief is a natural, human response to loss. Everyone can face it at any time, and it undoubtedly has an impact on every facet of life.

It’s important to remember that grief isn’t something that just happens to you. it’s an active process. The first step in dealing with grief is acknowledging that it exists and understanding some of the causes behind it.

The next phase is processing your feelings and figuring out how to deal with the loss.This may mean talking about it with others or writing about how you feel so that you can get your feelings out there before they build up inside of you (and possibly explode).

Once you have dealt with your emotions, you can then focus on finding resolution for the situation. This can include anything from finding closure on an event or person through to reaching out to a friend who was affected by the same thing as yourself so that they can help provide support for each other during this time period."