Has Your Savings Ever Gotten Stolen?


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I think this is one of the most common experiences that people have when it comes to saving money. I was surfing the net a few days ago and I saw a lady crying online she complained that some people stole the money that she has been saving for years. She was very bitter about it and a lot of people consoled her. Some people even had to send money to her.

This is something that has happened to me once and I don't wish for it to happen to me again because it is very bad for you to save money for several months and you end up losing the money to someone who comes from nowhere to steal the money that you have been saving. This is also why you should keep money in a very secure place that nobody will see so that it will not be easy for anybody to just walk up to your room and steal the money that you have been saving.

This is also why I prefer to save my money in the bank because it is safer there instead of keeping the money inside my house. After all, I may even get robbed.