Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You With These 5 Signals


You might be able to signal to your body once you're working out when to quit. But what happens if you're not exercising? If a heart attack strikes, for example, how will you know?

Here are five signals that can help you determine whether or not your heart is about to give out on you:

1. You feel a sharp pain in your chest or arm that lasts for more than a few seconds.

2. Your chest gets tight and hard to breathe into.

3. You start sweating more than usual and your face turns red or purple from lack of oxygen.

4. You have trouble speaking or swallowing, even though you don't feel like there's anything wrong with any part of your mouth or throat (like soreness after eating).

5. You feel dizzy or light-headed and have problems focusing on things like reading a book or watching TV show at home without feeling like passing out from exhaustion halfway through!