Here’s How to Combat Oily and Acne Prone Skin


Finding solutions that will truly work might be challenging if you have oily or acne-prone skin. But there are some things you can do to combat the oiliness in your face and get the clear, healthy glow you want:

1. Use an oil-control primer before applying any foundation or concealer. This will help prevent any shine from showing up on your skin, keeping it looking fresh and clean all day long.

2. If you've got oily skin, try applying a light layer of oil-free moisturizer before applying foundation or concealer so that it won't cling to those problem areas and make them look even worse!

3. Use a hydrating toner after cleansing your face every night to keep your pores clear of excess dirt, makeup residue, and other impurities that can cause breakouts or clog pores temporarily when they're not being properly cleaned out regularly enough (that's why i recommend washing your face at least twice a day).