Home remedies for nausea


1. Ginger

Ginger is a great home remedy for nausea because it's spicy and warm and that makes it the perfect thing to eat when you're feeling sick. If you have ginger on hand, just rub some on your wrists or temples and feel the warmth of the spice work its magic. A cup of hot ginger tea is another option.

2. Hot Water With Lemon

Sometimes all you need is a nice hot shower to help ease your nausea, but sometimes it helps to add some lemon juice to the mix! Pour in a little bit of lemon juice into your bathtub or sink, then sit back and relax while it soothes your stomach with its scent and warmth.

3. Peppersmint Tea

Peppermint tea has been shown to be an effective home remedy for nausea because it contains menthol, which calms down nerves and reduces pain throughout the body by increasing blood flow (which also helps with nausea). If you don't have peppermint tea on hand, try adding some mint leaves to hot water either way will get you feeling better fast!