Home Remedies for Skin Tanning


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You can get rid of skin tanning with a few home remedies. If you use them on a regular basis, then gradually the tanning from the skin will disappear.

Apply potato and cucumber juice on the face on a regular basis and leave for twenty minutes, then wash the face with cold water. Potatoes have bleaching properties that help to lighten and brighten the skin.

Yogurt is a wonderful home remedy for skin tanning, as it contains lactic acid which helps in clearing the skin. In the winter season, the skin on the face and hands starts losing their moisture. To avoid this apply coconut oil.
According to much research they said Carrot is rich with the vitamin that is needed in the skin to make it healthy and that is what we should consume and that applying carrot juice into the skin is not a bad idea as it can help to freshen up the skin. It is not advisable for us to take a bleaching cream for the purpose of getting a healthy skin.