Earn Money How Can A Comedian Make Money Online?


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I like comedians because they can make you laugh all the time and forget it your sorrow at the moment.

I have serious of comedy videos on my phone that I used to while away time whenever I am less busy.

Even my friends complain that I like to be watching comedy videos all the time but I don't always listen to them.

Some of the ways in which comedians make money in my country is by selling video CD and selling tickets for their live comedy concert.

I believe that they should be able to make money online but I couldn't find them the ways.

So I want to ask you guys that is it possible for comedians to make money online? Your contribution is highly appreciated.
Life is very difficult for a long of people, therefore, a lot of people are looking for fun content to skip the harshness of life. If you are a comedian, you can create podcasts or videos. People like funny content. Youtube is the best place to publish funny content. You can earn from adsense as well as pateron.
@Mika actually it is my friend who is a comedian but looking for other venue to make money from his skill. Well I have already asked him to open a tik-tok account together with Instagram and YouTube channel. I thought him a little about YouTube SEO so that he can post the video people are looking for to receive more traffics.
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This is like the movies and tv that you need the x factor to be popular. No matter how good you are in comedy acts but if you are not lucky then you will not be popular. That is my take when it comes to entertainment that your popularity depends on the people and not on your skills. Even athletes depend on luck and not only on the skills.
Well, if you are a comedian. For starters I will advice you to start doing comedy skit on YouTube, instagram and other video social network and keep on using hashtags. It will takes time. Maybe 2 or 3 years or even more but if you are consistent and focus. You will grow in no time.

That's the fact.
@Alexandoy my friend is not actually looking for a movie or a drama roles. People like entertainment especially comedy in our country over here. Once somebody is unique in his comedy there is probability that he is going to make a headway. I have asked my friends to include some of the popular artist in his video.
In my home country, there are lots of comedian making it online. I can name Atleast 10 successful comedian that are stinkingly rich. They make short comedy skit on facebook and some do have YouTube channel. What I have not studied is how they managed to make a huge sum of money on Facebook.
I've been touted many times by my friends and well wishers to go into comedy. But I never developed such interest for comedy. Comedians are earning money online worldwide, I've seen many of them here in my country making money through comedy. Marketing the videos through YouTube, and hosting concerts is two ways a comedian can make money offline and online.
I consider any YouTuber that makes me laugh a comedian. Therefore, creating youtube videos is a great way to make money as a comedian. If youtube videos are too long, try TikTok or Instagram videos. There is always Facebook too. The point is to put yourself out there as a comedian and worry about being funny or making money off your jokes later. So, acquire an audience first and then find a way to charge them a fee.
I believe that the most important way in which a comedian can be able to make money online is by making of videos. All you have to do is to create a YouTube and an Instagram channel and then continuously post your work there to gain an audience and then monetize it.
Yes it is possible, for example a clown is an artist, a comedian can easily earn a living
, the clown can organized, animated laughter sketches for the children.
The world needs fun and a lot of laugh. The crisis going on is enough for everyone. When a comedian goes through the right ways he could become popular in less than a year. An online comedian can become popular in the following ways:
1. Creating a large fanbase: When it comes to online comedy, creating a large fanbase helps you access more viewers than you normally would, thereby cresting awareness.
2. Acting skits with already established comedians: comedians were already established can open upcoming comedian create a large fan base. Featuring them into their own comedy can create sensations and prompt fans to look for the other guy.
Yes I believe comedians can make money online just as other talented people like musician are doing most especially on YouTube. The reason why YouTube is one of the best way for talented people to make money online is because they can post their video and make money based on the number of people that viewed them.
I love comedy, because I suffer from PTSD, I watch a lot on youtube and TickTok, you can monetise both channels by posting a link on your profile and in the description section.