How do we take care of Albinos?

This has been something that I had been thinking about for long that ; how do we take care of the Albinos?

Some children are born without the normal coloring ( pigment) in the skin , or hair, or in the iris of their eyes. In tropical climates this is a serious disability, as the person does not have the usual protection from the rays if the sun.

It is best for albinos to stay I doors, if possible , during broad daylight , if the go out they may need a wide - brimmed hat, dark glasses, and adequate clothing.

The hair can be dyed black. If they take precautions, and their eyesight is satisfactory, they should be able yo attend school and do well.

A ' bronze albino' I'd one born with light brown skin and hair. This is a variation from normal and causes no harm.

A health worker should be asked to check the skin of albino persons from time to time in case skin problems are giving trouble, or skin cancer is suspected.
Special creams or 'sun- tan lotion' can now be obtained to protect exposed or affected parts of the skin.

How can we take care of Albinos?