Earn Money How do you beat mental fatigue as you work online


VIP Contributor
One thing I have noticed about the human body is getting very lazy when it comes to working for a long time on a site. One would become mentally drained from trying to dig up information to supply to a site

This mostly happen to me when I need to comment on forums,since you need to share your own unique experience or information. So it takes alot from you mentally and it even become worse when you need to type a lot on a topic like a site will demand about 50-150 words per post.

It can really be tiring and fatigue mentally and other wise sets in. Do you experience mental fatigue the previous day but back to the grind the next day. How do you become the fatigue to be strong again for the next day task?


New member
Make sure you are not working while hungry or tired. Hungry people should eat before they start and the tired person should go to bed, get proper sleep, or have a nap. After making sure you are well fed, it's time to focus on the mental aspects of the work so that you are confident in your abilities (approach tasks with an attitude of curiosity rather than anxiety) and creative with productivity tools. Your third step is to minimize distractions from social media such as Facebook which can be overwhelming when all your friends have exciting lives as well as noisy kitchens.