How Do You Complete Core Value Assessments?


VIP Contributor
Sometimes at your workplace you will be required to complete core value assessments. This is a critical part of your job and one that should be taken very seriously. Every employee is required to fill out these assessments in order to ensure they are living up to their values and maintaining their culture.
This includes:

1. Reading all the questions carefully and thoroughly understanding what they mean, so that I can answer them as accurately as possible.

2. Identifying any personal biases that may affect my answers and coming up with strategies for mitigating them (for example, if I know that my tendency toward perfectionism might lead me to respond with "yes" when a question asks whether or not something was done well, I might reward it as "Did this person do their best?").

3. Making sure that each answer represents how I feel about the subject at hand, rather than how someone else might feel about it (this can be tricky when answering questions like "Do you agree or disagree with management's decision?").

When completing core value assessments, I believe it is important to be honest with yourself.