How do you cultivate the habit of saving?


To become a successful and askew enterpreneur you must develop or have a habit of saving, it is said that that saving it is impossible to move your business forward and without savings it is impossible to acquire new assets as well as sponsoring new business projects.
Most of us today in the beginning of our careers ask this question, is it worth saving small amount? Should we not start saving when we are able to contribute a far more significant amount? Just as little things matter in life, so does every saved penny matters. What might be an insignificant amount of saving for one might be a dream to others. It is worth saving any amount of money that you are capable of! Now the real question arises, how to cultivate the habit of saving? The task is not achievable without proper planning and a goal. It is quite common to veer from one’s path to saving money. Expenses increase, money slip and as the month end approaches, you move farther away from saving. A saving culture is always ideal but is not easy, saving engenders starving yourself of certain wants and pleasures and takes a lot of discipline. It has myriad benefits, particularly if started at a young age.

Here are few steps and examples to help you begin saving money:

1. Start with a goal, start small:
Be it building an emergency fund or some resilient one of buying a house, a goal in mind will motivate you to save. To begin there must be an underlying spur, start by saving every day, even if it’s just one or two hundred bucks. It will help you slowly transition in the habit of saving. You can gradually increase the amount and since the targeted behavior is repeated regularly, a sturdy habit is built.

2. Make your savings visible, celebrate the small savings:
When you are beginning it is difficult to get into the habit, even if you manage to save a small amount, make sure you understand its importance that it is worth something. Support yourself through the newly formed habit, not everyone starts with saving tens of thousand of bucks. When the result is visible and tangible, you will know that you’re moving in the right direction and focusing on what really matters. This will provide you with a positive feedback and motivation to go on with and once you gain the momentum, it is time to move on to the next step.

3. Assess your financial health:
Take a look at your budget and figure out saving opportunities. Evaluating your financial health is crucial to determine the direction you’re headed and to carve out the path. It gives you a clear picture of your income and expenses. Regardless of your income, consistently spend less than you make and keep and eye on what takes the bulk of your money. This seems pretty obvious but is the most difficult task at hand. The requirement is that you pay attention to your own spending and figure out ways to bring it in line with your income and savings. The spending mindset needs to be restricted to cultivate a saving habit.

4. Question all your purchases:
Most people are able to make a budget but very few are able to stick to it. Having a budget makes you realize what you should spend money on and what you shouldn’t. You learn to differentiate between your needs and wants. Making sure all your purchases are in line with what you want in life. The aim is to stop buying thoughtlessly, if a certain purchase is neither a necessity nor bringing you closer to your goal, cut it.

5.Be debt free, save for emergencies: Judiciously maintaining finances, living according to your budget and living a debt free life will help you in the long run. Emergencies are something we have no control over, they happen all the time. If you don’t want to be left out in dark, save. It is the only way to be prepared for an emergency. Savings for emergency and the normal savings (like those for a vacation or buying a house) should be different.

6. Set realistic goals, reduce spending:
Saving demands sacrifice. When the pain of sacrifice spills over the joy of saving, the motivation starts to fade. If your self imposed restrictions are too strict, the chances of failure are high. If you deny yourself for too long, you may snap and undo all your hard work. Saving money does not have to be a completely miserable experience, it can be enjoyable too. Set up small goals and reward yourself on their fulfillment. The feeling that you’re doing something good will eventually payoff in the end.

*Benefits of habit of saving money:

Consider the habit of saving as an education in itself. In today’s world, a lot of investors are making good money not only with saving chunks of their income but also by investing it. It is trying that you understand the difference between saving and investing. Once you have surplus of savings you can start investing it to earn enormous returns. The habit of saving money is important at every stage of life, start early, start small and continue growing towards a brighter future of your dreams.


Valued Contributor
Saving is something everyone should always have at the back of their minds as it is bad to spend recklessly without have some considerations for what might transpire in future because we never can tell what the future holds, anyone can suddenly become bankrupt. It is better to always try as much as possible to keep some a,punt of money somewhere save just in case things doesn't go as planned so we must fall back to our reserved savings.

So for us to cultivate the habit of savings we must learn to differentiate between want and needs. We must buy items that we don't really need, those items that appears as want should be evaluated very well to ascertain if they would later appear as need before going for them.

We should also aviod borrow from people mostly when it is not necessary, we should learn to live by our means. Worse still we should not borrow from banks or loan applications as this will increase the debt and impair on our abilities to save since we will be busy calculating interest rates.

Then we should aviod making unnecessary pledge and trying to take up the philanthropic role mostly when we do not have money.

You cultivate the


Valued Contributor
Those are very good points that you have mentioned about cultivating a saving culture. Just like any habit, this saving culture is built from continuous practice and learning. I like that you have mentioned starting small as your first point. You should really start somewhere then continue improving as time goes by. The good thing with habits is that the more you do them, the more you become better at it. With time, it becomes easier for you to save.

It is also important to note that for you to save regularly, you need to have a regular and stable source of income. That means that you should be ready to give off the effort required for you to earn a good amount. You can also learn new skills and try out new things that improve your earnings.

Moreover, it is upon you to practice self discipline in terms of your spending and borrowing money. You need to specify your important needs, bills and expenses so that you can spend on only that. You can indulge in some luxuries sometimes for your sanity, but don't make it a regular thing. As for borrowing, it is best to avoid it. But when need arises that really require you to borrow, only do that with a plan on paying back.

When you follow these tips, it becomes easier for you to save money regularly.