How important is human nutrition.


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Nutrition by definition , is the science that helps with the study of food in relation to the it effect on the human body . It is futher considered to be the study of various nutrients in relation of their effects upon the human body . Nutrients are the chemical substances found in the various food we all eat . They are the substance that enable food to perform it functions . Nutrients are classified into MICRO NUTRIENTS which are needed in the body in large quantities example carbohydrate protein and fat and oil and also MICRO NUTRIENTS which are needed by the body in little quantities such as vitamin and mineral salts . There are some factors affecting human nutrition . They include:


The quality of food that we eat can vary depending on the soil and growing condition of that food the nutritional quality of our food can also be affected by the manufacturing process storage and methods of cooking of food .

Also the efficiency of our digestive system affect our natural status . Bad condition of our intestine will reduce the absorption of digested food in our blood streams .

The activity that a particular person's participate on the effect their nutritional requirements . to be more elaborate and athlete will need a different nutritional requirement to that that will be needed by an office worker .

Finally , the income of the people will also affect their nutrition for example members of the low-income class are at risk of poor nutrition since they may not have access to food because of their low income .
The human body is an incredible and complex system. All of its systems are interconnected and support one another, so if one system isn't working properly, it can affect the rest of the body's systems. When you're well-nourished, your body is better able to function at its best capacity. But if you don't give your body the nutrients it needs, then the processes in your body may not work as efficiently as they would otherwise.

This is especially important in children because they are still growing, and good nutrition helps them get all the nutrients they need to develop properly.In addition to aiding in physical development, eating a well-balanced diet also helps ensure that you have plenty of energy for daily acprocesses.

The human body is a complicated machine, and you have to put the right fuel in it to get the best performance out of it. A healthy diet is important at any age, and even moreso as we age, because eating well helps us maintain our physical health, but also our mental health. Making sure to eat a balanced diet can help slow down the aging process and help you feel your best.

Nutritionists recommend balancing your diet by making sure you're getting all of your essential nutrients, including:

-Carbohydrates for energy

-Proteins for cell repair, growth, and healthy muscles

-Healthy fats for brain function

-Vitamins and minerals for maintaining normal metabolic processes.
The human body is like a machine that needs constant and proper maintenance, and taking the right nutrition is just what the body needs to stay healthy. While we take in the right nutrient, I believe it would also be better if we add regular exercise to it as well. It would also help in keeping the body fit and healthy.