How Terrible is Hapatitis B to Hapatitis A?


VIP Contributor
According to my findings Hepatitis A and more severe. It us usually spread when blood from an infected person gets into the body of another person. In hospital this may be by transfusion of blood not properly tested.

In the community it is spread:
- by sharing injection needles or syringes with an infected person.

- occasionally during sex, particularly if there us some injury or ulcer on the genital.
One can only escape this disease by:
- Be careful with whom one have sex: Some one who sex with many different persons is more likely to cat h these diseases. Prostitutes are especially likely to be infected. To avoid infection, have sex only with one faithful partner. If you have sex with anyone else, always use a condom.

- Get treatment right away: it is very important that all persons infected with a sextually transmitted disease get treatment at once so that they do not infect other people. For not have sex with anyone until 3 days after treatment is finished.

It is generally called 'serum hepatitis' and is commonest where there is drug abuse and prostitution. The symptoms are similar to those if Hepatitis A, but come on more slowly, often three months or more after exposure. The jaundice may be followed by long- term liver damage and even death.

Take to hospital if suspected.
How Terrible is Hepatitis A to Hepatitis B?