How to Become Creative in Your Career


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If you are not creative enough, you may not be able to stay on the job for too long and soon you will find yourself on the street looking for another job. But how do you reignite your creativity?

Visual Board: Visual board is a board that you hang on the wall with the cuttings, clippings, and sticky notes to give you ideas and inspiration and remind you of deadlines and to do notes.

Magazines and Newspapers: Reading can help you become more creative. You can read interviews and life stories to get inspired and find your own course.

Doodle: You might not be an artist but you can sure doodle, right? Doodling can help you calm your mind by stimulating your brain. Research has established that doodling helps with cognitive function.

Documentation: Document your thoughts, ideas, feelings, and even emotions. You can even document your daydream. By doing this you will be able to open your mind to spark creativity.
Creativity is a skill that can be learned, but it's not easy. Here are nine ways to get more creative in your career.

1. Learn from others: There are plenty of people who are more creative than you, and studying their work is a great way to learn new techniques. Pay attention when you're out and about, don't just look at the scenery, but also at how things are designed. Make note of what works and what doesn't when it comes to design, art and architecture.

2. Experiment: Take risks! If you're afraid of failing or looking stupid, your creativity will suffer terribly. Let go of the fear of failure and embrace experimentation so you can find out who you really are as an artist or designer.

3. Be willing to fail: Get used to failing — it happens to everyone! You might spend days working on something only for it not to work out in the end, but each failure brings you closer to success (and there will always be a next time).

4. Embrace boredom: When we're bored, we tend to gravitate toward mindless activities like watching TV or scrolling through Facebook posts instead of doing something productive.