How to Build Agility and Learning Adaptability as an Employee.


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When it comes to organizational staff recognition, promotions and rewards, the employees that can adapt easily, and are quick to learn would always be recognized. So how can an employee develop the capacity to be agile and adapt to learning. Here are some few tips:

1) Actively request for tasks and roles that stretch your capacity: Most employees don't want to do the difficult things. If you want to grow in your company, take the difficult tasks/ roles and fulfil them. Your capacity would increase as you keep on doing so.

2) Study colleagues that are doing well and adopt their methods: In every organisation, there are high flyers. If you want to grow too, you must actively seek to emulate these high flyers.

3) Stay positive despite the difficulties in tasks you are given: Resist the urge to roll over and die when roles become too difficult. Stay positive and look for ways to exploring and learning ways to solve them.