How to create an email marketing funnel


VIP Contributor
There is no doubt whatsoever that email marketing is still in use today even though a lot of people have tried to rubbish it that it is no longer a convenient way to market to people . As far as I am concerned , email marketing is still the best form of marketing that you plan to retain the client after a successful purchase and it is ideal for direct response sales.

1. Promise value first . The first thing to do in your email marketing funnel is to first of all promise the first in value . This can be promising to send them emails two times in a week or trying to disclose a secret that is going to solve their problem .

2. Do not be in a haste . A lot of people who are going to sign up for your email are people who probably had doubts about buying the product in the first instance and instead they subscribe because they needed conviction so it is going to be completely a waste of time for you to start marketing the product immediately but instead start sharing tips .

3. Make it easy . If you are finally convinced the customer to buy from you then you should at least put means that is going to insure they can buy it very quickly and easily like various means of receiving payment.