How to Create Infinite Scrolling Design on Your Website?


VIP Contributor
Infinite Scrolling Design is a design that allows the visitor to access more content without clicking the pagination option. Since Infinite Scrolling Design increases traffic retention, it is a good design for a content site.

If you want to create Infinite Scrolling Design, here are a few methods.

Themes with built-in Infinite Scrolling feature

There are a lot of themes with the built-in Infinite Scrolling features. Search for Infinite Scrolling theme and use the appropriate theme. I recommend Minimal Dark.

Infinite Scrolling Plugin

On the WordPress repository, you can find a lot of plugins that add the Infinite Scrolling feature. Jetpack is one such plugin. You can also use the Ajax Load More plugin to add Infinite Scrolling functionality to your website.

Manually add code

This option is for advanced users who know how to code and add codes on the websites. If you don’t know coding, you can find readymade codes that you can add to your site.


VIP Contributor
My website has pagination. If the visitors want to check more content she has to click next or page 2. I don't think having a lot of content in the home page is a good idea. It will make your website load slow. I could be wrong but you can correct me.