How to cure cough naturally at home


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1. We can use honey tea all we have to do is mix two spoon of honey with warm water then drink the mixture once or twice a day
2. Ginger
Slice some ginger to a cup of hot water then allow it to steep for some minutes before you drink it then add honey or lemon juice to it to improve the taste
3. Steaming
A cough that producers mucus may improve with steaming.Take a shower with hot water
Thanks alot for the information on how to cure cough. I am quite having some flu of cater and cough, I'll be taking my time doing exactly what you demonstrated here to eradicate the feeling of cough. By applying ginger into honey and drinking with warm water twice a day.
I do use that steaming method a lot and it do work for me it is a very effective method that have been using from my childhood I do put the hot water in a bowl and use a wrapper or towel and stay under the towel for some minutes.
Teas and steaming can indeed be very helpful with coughs or any kind of colds, and there are also herbal teas that are good. But it's also important to know what's just a minor issue that you can treat at home and realize when you get to a point where you need the help of a doctor.
Honey is the most effective remedy for this if you're having a cold or flu taking of honey can help you to relieve it, runny nose is also caused by cold weather especially in the raining season. What I do is that i will adds the Honey with milk and sugar then take it that will really help me to relieve the running nose. That's the best for me.
You can always drink hot water or tea and also do steaming. U have to avoid fan or air conditioning.
Ginger really works for cough most especially after eating the you drink hot water to it it will make the cough go
Eating ginger and honey mixture works well for cough then drink water to it is the best method for cough that have ever tried