How to Do Media Segmentation for Your Marketing Plan


VIP Contributor
Marketing involves running ads and publishing promotional materials on mass media platforms like radio, television, newspapers, and the internet. In order to find out which platform will give you highest result, you need to do media segmentation for your customers. Here are the key pointers.

Find out what is your potential customers’ favorite social sites are. If you find your most of your customers using facebook, advertise on facebook, if you see highest concentration on twitter, advertise on twitter.

Find out which website they visit. What are your customers’ favorite websites, find out and advertise on those websites.

Find out which search engines they use most. Google is the most uses search engines, but if your customers use Yandex, consider advertising on Yandex.

Find out which TV channel, radio station, or newspaper they use most.


VIP Contributor
Marketing needs a channel. You can either market traditionally through TV, Radio, newspapers, etc., or market through the internet. In order to market through traditional marketing, you will have to choose a media that is used by your potential customers. The same applies for internet marketing. Advertise on the right platform.


VIP Contributor
I think it would depend on the kind of business that you have. For example your product is a household product that is commonly used like soap. The approach can be universal because everyone uses soap. If that is a special soap then you need to categorize the audience that is your target. It would also depend on your capability of marketing in social media - Facebook or Twitter?


VIP Contributor
I think it would depend on the kind of business that you have. For example your product is a household product that is commonly used like soap. The approach can be universal because everyone uses soap. If that is a special soap then you need to categorize the audience that is your target. It would also depend on your capability of marketing in social media - Facebook or Twitter?
Everyone uses a detergent soap but not everyone has the same preference, for example some people are price conscious, they do not want to buy expensive soaps, some people consider quality over price, they want to pay any amount for the detergent soap. The price and quality determines who is buying the soap, and you have to market accordingly.