How to get email ideas

Just like in social media or any other type of marketing , the type of content that you are going to continuously be posting is going to be very important to how much you can be able to retain your users . It is definitely something that has pushed that particular customer to subscribe to your mailing list and you need to keep them happy and order to keep on growing them .

1. Answer the public . Answer the public is a free to use website that generates top searches that people are searching about a particular thing . This means that is the pressing issue at that moment and you can use that as topics to write about to your list .

2. Social media . there is almost always one topic that is going to be discussed on social media everyday. Most of the times it is going to have an implication to the people who have subscribed to your list and that's two can be source of contents for you.

3. Your competition . There is absolutely nothing bad in spying on your competition and trying to get what they are sending to their mailing list and it can give you an idea of what to send it to yours .