How to make money with technical skills


Valued Contributor
In Nigeria, technical skills are very common and it is starting to becoming expensive to learn because of the way people are starting to invest in it. Let’s say for example, you technically learned how to make shoes, there are some things we call “packaging” in business when it comes to Nigerian level. This simply means that you have to be able to make your business presentable in order to attain attraction from the big people in the society, this caliber of people will actually patronize you with big amount of money, they do not really want to buy cheap things, so most of them thinks the quality depends on how high is the price and the view of the place they want to buy it from. For example, you can’t have a shop in places like Lagos island and attract customers that will hope for cheaper stuffs, then you have to be exposed enough to brand your work so it will look very much professional. Another thing is to make use of social media platforms to promote your job, this is really helping people sell their products and it is very effective. Well all these might cost some capital though but it’s worth giving a try.

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