How to Make Your Pins Aesthetically Appealing


VIP Contributor
Aesthetics is very important in making your Pinterest go viral. Aesthetics means how your Pins look in the eyes of your audience. Just like the dimension, format, and content of your Pin, Aesthetics has a great role in getting traffic and conversion on your Pin. Your Pins must be aesthetically appealing to your audience. You not only have to use “made for Pinterest” images but also use fonts, colors, and designs that the users find beautiful. If you are using Infographics do not make it look cluttered. Use fonts that are readable but also look better in the eyes of Pinterest users.

Color plays a great role in your Pin engagements. You need to use warm colors in your Pinned images. Warm colors tend to do much better on Pinterest compared to dark colors. Warm color means you are using light pink, white, light green, light blue, etc.

Fonts also play a great role in Pinterest marketing. All Caps and Bold text are good for headlines. Your headline should be bigger. It is ok to have small fonts for other information as it will encourage users to click on them.

It is ok to use mock-ups for your Pin but make sure it is not the same mock-ups that a lot of users have used. Pinterest is interested in original content.
I use Pinterest to market my products, and web content. Even though I do not get a lot of traffic and conversion from Pinterest, I have found Pinterest to be really useful for marketers, online sellers and website owners. The best thing about Pinterest is you can create multiple Pinterest account and use them for marketing. You need Pinterest friendly images. Pinterest friendly images are the images that have the dimension preferred by Pinterest algorithm. Anther way to attract engagement on your Pins is have a pinboard where people can publicly Pin and repin content. Pinterest is all about attracting people through images.
Well Pinterest is not something I have much idea on though I have the intention of giving it a closer look so as to know what it's all about. Is it in anyway related to Tumblr and Flickr? Wanna know more.
I use Pinterest, I have verified my website with Pinterest. I use multiple images on my articles and I pin every image on my articles. Pinterest can drive you a lot of traffic if your pins are aesthetically pleasing. However just because you have good images does not mean you will be able to get a lot of conversions, you also need to be very careful about the kind of content you are sharing.