How To Manage Your Health With Acronym RED.


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W.H.O made us to understand that it is possible for the category of people that fall from 26 years and above can also be vibrant like young child if the can follow that word of acronym RED. Rest, exercise and diet.

Rest is a state of being sleeping totally where by only the heart and brain are working and it can be done for 8 hours in the night and one hour for the day siesta which is also have some benefit to our health.

Benefit of Rest
it contributed at list 10% to our healthy living, it also enhanced our memory, and the lost cells can be replenished.

Exerise is another thing you can engage yourself voluntarily done in the absence of sunlight earlier in the morning or late in the evening. is also add 10% to your health system which is also have some benefits of exercise.

Benefit of exercise
its help the free flow of blood in the blood stream, is also help to live younger than your age.

Diet is any food that you put into your mouth being a liquid or solid form but before you call your daily meal a diet. It must have reach in 80% in total which consist of 5% of fat and oil 15% of protein 30% of vegetable and fruit.