How to prevent early death


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8 Ways to Prevent an Early Death​

In today’s world everyone is trying to lead healthier lifestyles and live longer, but many people aren’t really sure where to start. With that in mind here are 8 easy ways for you to live longer.
1. Don’t oversleep, but make sure you rest up.

This may seem rather confusing, but bear with us. Scientists have found that people who sleep for more that 8 hours a night have a significantly lower life expectancy than the rest of the population, according to a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry. This does not mean, however, that you are allowed to stay up all night drinking! Scientists also discovered that individuals who got 4 hours or less sleep a night also had reduced life expectancies. The optimal amount of sleep for a normal, healthy adult is between 6 -7 hours a night, and if you can do that consistently then you may live to be a grand old age.
2. Have Sex, and if you’re already doing it, have more.
We all like sex, it is hard wired into our genes, but according to the Journal of the American Medical Association, sex may be more than just a pleasurable reproductive activity. In men, it has been found, that higher rates of ejaculation lead to a lower risk of prostate cancer; and in addition to this, ejaculating causes the body to relax meaning that at the end of the day you will be more rested. Let’s not forget the obvious though, sex makes people happy, and in conjunction with the removal of stress and relaxation factors, this can help lower the risk of a stroke or heart disease, and keep your blood pressure down, leaving you a healthy and balanced person.
3. Get A Vertical Auto Profile Test
Get a what? Yes, that was our initial reaction as well, however a Vertical Auto Profile, or VAP, Test is the most accurate cholesterol test being used in medicine today. It is estimated that approximately 50% of people with heart disease where found to have normal cholesterol levels when using conventional testing methods. Remember that heart disease is the number one cause of death in the USA, and that it is usually caused by high cholesterol, and that 50% becomes pretty scary. What it boils down to is the fact that a VAP has been proven to detect 90% of the people with heart disease that undergo the exam. A VAP is a simple blood test and can let you know, almost immediately, if you need to change your lifestyle. Get a VAP and know whether you’re at risk.
4. Money; get some.
Everyone wants to get rich, but if you want to live longer then having money may actually serve a higher purpose. It’s all about income disparity! A study preformed by the AmericanNationalCenter for Health Statistics essentially tells us that poorer people are more likely to suffer from severe chronic illnesses than their wealthier compatriots. 24% of American who earn under US$ 20,000 a year suffer from a chronic condition, as opposed to the 6% who earn US$ 75,000. There may be a myriad of reasons for this, and researchers often site the fact that richer people can afford better healthcare, however there is no doubt that those in the upper income brackets live much longer than those at the bottom.
5. Stop Smoking
In this day and age it hardly constitutes a revelation when someone tells you that smoking is bad for your health. Emphysema, lung cancer, mouth cancer, constricted blood vessels, rapid aging of the skin, aggressive prostate cancer in men, and impotence (see point 2) won’t do anything for your prospects of a long life. Generally, smokers have a 50% chance of dying younger than non smokers; enough said.
6. Chill Out
Stress can cause the development of heart diseases and lead to severe strokes and as a study by Johns Hopkins University found, individuals with high stress levels where 6 times more likely to have a heart attack before they were 55. Basically what this means is that it is good to kick back and smell the roses every once in a while and let the stress/anger/extreme rage melt away. Go to a masseuse, lay off the caffeine, step out of the board room, and take the time to truly enjoy life. Not only will you live longer, but you will have enjoyed and experienced more at the same time.
7. Relocate – To Japan.
That may seem like a fairly odd way for you to extend your life, but at 82.6 years, Japan has the highest life expectancy in the world; well above the global average of 67.2. But what is the crucial factor that helps the Japanese live longer? A better diet and lots of green tea, Japan tends to eat more fresh produce than the USA or UK, and Japanese nationals tend to shop at markets everyday; relying less on preservative packed and sugar coated foods than the west has helped Japan crush the competition when it comes to living longer. Maybe this point could have been about eating better food , but we think that moving to Japan would be a lot cooler.
8. Exercise
This one is a no-brainer, exercising releases endorphins, endorphins make you happy, being happy helps you relax, relaxing helps you live longer; ergo exercise makes you live longer. In addition to the release of endorphins exercise also helps to create muscle, strengthen bones, strengthen your heart, and build up the immune system. People who exercise will always live longer than those who don’t, it’ that simple.


VIP Contributor
Some of the tips are very funny. First of all, we cannot prevent death. But we can prevent untimely death. We need to watch our lifestyles, we should abstain from smoking, womanizing and even taking too much of alcohol. We need to be doing regular medical check up. This will enable us to know what we are battling with of recent.


VIP Contributor
Hahhahahhaha.. the number 2 is really funny but somehow what he's trying to say is true, but I don't really see the need for most teenagers to engage in this because it is not even the right time, instead of us to engage this we should rather focus on the best way we can improve our life and our future, from there we can have sex... Already casual sex is not really good because of the high rate of getting infection and incurable disease. for me now I rather prefer to be abstinent than involve in sex with people I don't trust.


VIP Contributor
I have known a man who smoked, drank, ate a lot of meats, even smoked pots but he lived until the age of 107 years. I know another man who never smoked or drank, ate meat in moderation, walked 60 minutes every day regularly, never had belly fat, yet he died at the age of 50. I don't mean to say that lifestyle does not affect your life, what I am trying to say is how much you live depends on your DNA as well. All the information about your life is stored in your DNA including how much you live.