How To Strengthen The Immune System Easily


VIP Contributor
The immune system act as a body defence. It can be very hard to fall sick when you have a strong immune system in your body.

The reason is that the immune system helps to fight off any foreign body that can cause harm to our body systems.

Immune system also helps to get rid of free radical elements in our body systems.

In this thread, I want to talk about some of the simple things you can do at home to strengthen your immune system.

1. You should avoid smoking. Smoking weaken the immune system and destroy our lungs.

2 Regular exercise: regular exercise helps to build the immune system and testosterone in men.

3 Sound sleep: sounds sleeping helps your body to recuperate the Lost energy and strengthen the immune system.

Bard Racheal

Active member
The immune system is the combination of cells, tissues with other organs in the body to achieve the purpose of protecting the body from external attacks.

The immune system has two parts.
It is a complex network that works with cells and protein to help the body fight against infections,germs and bacterias.

There are different ways one can strengthen his or her immune system, either by eating the right kind of food, balance diets or by engaging in activities that can help fight bad contents like, bad cholesterol or fat in the body.

Some examples of food that can build up the immune system include:

FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: Different studies has proven that eating fruits and vegetables helps boost the immune system by providing nutrients like beta-carotene, vitamin c, and vitamin E.

Fruits and vegetables are also good source of oxidative exertion.
So it is necessary to add fruits and vegetables in our every day meal e.g: citrus fruits , strawberries, garlic, ginger, spinach.

✓ REST AND SLEEP: Sleep is very viral to our immune system, since it produces a protein called cytokinesis which fight against inflammation, and paves way to immune response.

With the way it looks, out immune system is fragile.
And we ought to take proper care of it by eating right, and doing all the necessary things to keep it alive.


Active member
Cloves is very good especially when the immune system is weak due to cancer or Hepatisis b , you can strength your immune system by boiling 100 pieces of cloves and boil it for like 10 minutes be taking one cup of it every morning before your breakfast to make your immune s system strong


VIP Contributor
Thanks for the advise I really appreciate the write up because boosting immune system is very important. Immune system is the one that use to prevent body from being affected by diseases.Though there are some fruit that can easily boost immune system. People that has good immune system always overcome sickness.


Verified member
We can boost our immune system by including fruit and vegetables in our diet at least consuming fruit and vegetables like three times in a week, the nutrient it contains helps in boosting our immune system and we should also avoid smoking or drinking as they only endanger the health


Active member
If you want to boost your immune system the best method I've seen so far is by eating fruits and vegetables that contain nutrients that are really good for our immunity


VIP Contributor
If you want to improve your immune system, you should avoid drugs, alcohol and tobacco. You need to eat meat in moderation and eat a lot of vegetables. You also need to include herbs and spices in your food, for example you need to include ginger, garlic, and turmeric in your daily diet.


Active member
Immune system are the organs in human body that provide resistance to infection and toxins. This organs include white blood cells (wbc), antibodies, the complement system, the lymphatic system, the spleen, the thymus, and the bone marrow among others. Immune system also comprises network of cells, tissues etcetera. And these organs, substances helps the human body to fight infections and other related health issues. One of proven way to boost your immune system is not to do anything that weakens it. There are several factors that can affect your immune system such as sugar stress smoking among others. Thus it is advised to stay off these factors. Below are some unique method you can imbibe into your daily routine in order to boost your immune system.

Do not stress your self, stress is said to be increasing the cortisol levels in the human body, when cortisol levels are constantly high, it essentially blocks your immune system from working appropriately and will walk affect your immune system in doing its job to protect the body against potential threats, diseases, from germs like viruses and bacteria etcetera.

To increase your immune system it is advised to doing workout, regular workout lowers your risk of developing chronic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart related diseases, as well as viral and bacterial infections.Thus, workout regularly.

Consuming enough fruits and veggies can also boost your immune system massively, fruits such as orange, lemon etc contains vitamin c which is good for immune system.

Cynthia Moran

New member
Exercise and a healthy diet are the only two factors that can be controlled by each individual when it comes to strengthening one's immune system. Exercise strengthens your heart and lungs as well as bones, muscles, and joints by increasing blood flow throughout your body. As far as diet is concerned, you must eat a fiber-rich diet to maintain regular bowel movements. A regular workout helps lower your risk of developing numerous diseases such as obesity type 2 diabetes and heart related diseases, as well as viral and bacterial infections. Some therapy centers give you the guidance to accomplish your goals, whether they be fitness or health-related. RoyalVibe Health encourages you to do a workout to increase your immunity and thereby avoid chronic diseases.


New member
Cred că sistemul imunitar este întărit prin alimentație, sport și fără medicamente. Atâta timp cât luăm pastilele la fiecare simptom și nu lăsăm „mașinăria umană complexă” să lupte singură, sistemul imunitar scade.


Verified member
I think we need to place more emphasis on healthy dieting as a way to keep our bodies healthy. To effectively fight off diseases, our bodies need the right nutrition.

The truth is that most of us know of this and what we need too do, but we are too lazy to implement it. Some people on the other hand do not have sufficient resources to eat healthy.

If one eats a healthy meal daily, the immune system can be boosted or regenerated as needed using the nutrients. Some people say they don't like taking fruits or vegetables when asked, that supplements can provide all they need.

You don't know what the supplements contain, how they were processed and if it's suitable for you. Also, it's better for children to have their immunity built naturally and not through supplements

Dora Wi

Active member
I like your suggestions. There is no magic pill when it comes to the strength of your immune system - it all comes down to having an overall healthy lifestyle. Making sure you meet your nutritional needs is also a good idea if you want to stay healthy.