How to Train and Keep Fit for an Upcoming Marathon


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The marathon is one of the most difficult running events to train for. It requires tremendous effort over a long period of time, and can be rather intimidating for those who are not in good physical condition or have never competed in a marathon before. However, with the right training, anyone can complete a marathon.

-Choose a marathon date and location that works best for you. Once you have registered, use the time between now and the marathon to practice your running skills.

-Start out by running one mile at least three times per week. If you do not feel comfortable running more than a mile at this time, consider using an elliptical trainer or stationary bike to build up your endurance.

-As your endurance increases, continue to add additional miles each week until you reach 8-10 miles during each training session. Consider adding sprints and interval training as well.

-Schedule regular rest days into your training schedule so that your muscles have time to recover before your next workout session.

-Eat nutritious food, a lot of fruits and less fat, you will need to have glucose by your side and ensure you take a cool bath after training everyday.

The marathon is an intense, gruelling race that demands months of training and preparation. As a runner, you should be doing your best to prepare both your mind and body for the race.
Here are some key steps you can follow in order to get ready for the big day:

Set your goal: Be realistic about the distance you are running and what you want to accomplish. You don't have to win the race - even finishing is an accomplishment in itself.

Start small: If you're just getting into running, start off with 15-20 minutes of jogging each day and build up to more time throughout the week. Don't overwork yourself - take it easy and enjoy yourself as you progress.

Find a friend or trainer: Having someone who will push you when others won't can make all the difference. Running with friends also helps keep things fun so it doesn't feel like work.

Eat healthy foods: Make sure not eat too much junk food while training, but don't cut out all carbs either! Your body needs them for fuel during long runs. Keep hydrated throughout training and on race day by drinking plenty of water before going out on any runs. Stop smoking if possible (or at least cut back substantially).