How to Treat Broken Thigh, Neck,Back and Ribs.


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Broken Thigh Bone:
A broken upper leg often needs special attention. It is best to splint the whole body. Example: one should splint the whole body from leg to the chest.
And to take the injured person yo a health center at once.

Broken Necks and Backs.
If there is any chance a person' s back or neck has been broken, be very careful when moving him. Try not to change his position . if possible, bring a health worker before moving him. If you move him , do so without bending his back or neck. For instructions on how to move the injured person.

These are very painful, but almost always heal on their own. It is better not to splint or bind the chest. The best treatment is to take aspirin and rest. To keep the lungs healthy, take 4 or 5 deep breaths in a row, every 2 hours. Do this daily until you can breathe normally. At first this will be very painful. It may take months before the pain goes completely.

A broken rib does not often puncture a lung. But if the person coughs blood or develops breathing difficulties, use antibiotics ( penicillin or ampicillin) and seek medical help.