How to Use Tax Loss Harvesting Strategies


Valued Contributor
Tax loss harvesting is a powerful tool that can help you save money on your taxes.

When used correctly, tax loss harvesting strategies can reduce the amount of taxes you owe and increase your after-tax returns.

If you’re looking to maximize your investments and minimize the amount of taxes owed, then learning how to use tax loss harvesting strategies is essential.

Here are some tips for using tax loss harvesting strategies effectively:

1) Identify losses in taxable accounts – Look through all of your taxable investment accounts for any positions with unrealized losses that could be harvested.

2) Calculate potential savings – Estimate how much money you could save by taking advantage of these losses when filing your taxes this year.

3) Rebalance portfolio – After identifying which positions have realized losses, rebalance the portfolio so it still meets its original goals and objectives while also taking into account any new changes due to the harvestable losses identified earlier.

4) Harvest gains or offset other income sources – Use harvested gains or offset other income sources such as wages or dividends to replace what was lost from selling off losing positions in order to keep overall risk levels consistent within the portfolio structure.