Is An Income-Driven Repayment Plan A Good Idea For You?


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If you're thinking about taking the leap into student loan repayment, the first question to ask is: Is it a good idea for me?

If you're looking for an easy way to get rid of your debt, an income-driven repayment plan might be right for you. It's designed to calculate payments based on how much money you make, which means that no matter how much money comes in even if it's just $1. you'll have to pay back what you borrowed.

However, this isn't necessarily a good thing if you have other debts. If those other debts are high enough, they could prevent you from paying down your student loans and leaving even more debt behind. In fact, it's possible that if your income isn't high enough to cover all of these other debts, then this kind of repayment plan could actually make things worse by pushing them off into the future instead of helping them go away today!

So before deciding whether or not this kind of plan is right for you, we recommend looking at how much money comes in each month before making any decisions about whether or not this type of payment plan will work out well for everyone involved especially since there are so many different variables involved in determining how much someone can afford..