Is Financial Security a Consideration in Marrying a person?


New member
I am a believer that one of the greatest determinants of someone that would be successful in life is the person one gets emotionally entangled with. I strongly believe that while emotions and feelings are big consideration when seeking out a partner, one has to also consider financial growth and financial future.

I am of the opinion that people should marry persons that are financially stable with good sources of income. That is a precursor to sustained financial growth. Some people call it gold digging but I call it financial intelligence. No matter your financial position, when you get entangled with someone that doesn't have financial stability in an emotional relationship, it is just a matter of time before your financial life and growth falls flat.
A relative of mine married a person mainly because he was rich, though he was not very educated. Her husband was politically well connected, and he managed to exploit , rob some of the other relatives to get her a government job with stolen data, so the relative is now extremely wealthy , while the relatives who have been cheated and exploited are making huge losses and are treated worse than slaves.
The people who marry a person only because he has money will cheat their partner in half of the cases because it is not a marriage based on love. Especially if there is a big difference on the age.
Without mincing any words, I would consider financial situation of a person I want to marry. I don't want to stress myself in this life. No matter how we try to downplay it, money determines to a large extent how happy a home and marriage is. Forget love because it is not going to pay bills. It is money that would pay bills and anyone who is not in a good financial standing would make my life to be a struggle.