Is gender a qualification factor for a job.


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A lot of employees who own business organisations and other commercial enterprises are fond of using gender as a factor for who get a job and who doesn't . Some of them have the strange and weird rule that they are going to only employ male employees on the other hand others employ only female employees . Such ridiculous decision might come forth disturbing and confusing . and for other organisations who employ both male and female employees still use gender qualification for who get a particular post and who doesn't get a particular post . Business employers and managers should understand that gone are the days when women will considered as weak . And now it is time creativity and skill set of a particular individual really count as a major factor to be employed be it female or male.

Business employers and manager should further understand that gender is not a job qualification factor and just male individuals are able to own , control , and facilitate huge business organisation by themselves as managers and employees , the female too can also own , control , and manage huge business organisations with themselves as managers and employers . As often says " what a man can do a woman can do better " . Really point out the whole facts clearly .