Is Infinite Scrolling Design Good For Your Website?


VIP Contributor
What is Infinite Scrolling Design?

Infinite Scrolling Design is a design that creates an endless feed of content on a website. There is no end to the page, and every time a visitor reaches seemingly the end of the page, new content will automatically load. There are no paginations. The best examples of infinite scrolling designs are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Buzzfeed, etc.

Is Infinite Scrolling Design Good for Your Website?

Since Infinite Scrolling Design allows your visitor to check more content without having to click the Read More or Page 2 option, it can improve engagement on your website. Infinite Scrolling Design allows users to stay on your site for longer.

Infinite Scrolling Design can be good for a blog-like website, question and answer site, even discussion board. However, for eCommerce site, Infinite Scrolling Design may not be a good design as it might be difficult to find a proper product.


VIP Contributor
Infinite scrolling looks good on social sites. They have their own servers so they can handle any traffic and still load fast. For a small website hosted on shared server cthis can create loading problem. If not optimized properly, Infinite scrolling will make your website difficult to navigate and user will experience finding the proper content.


VIP Contributor
In my opinion, Infinite scrolling is also good for a blog site. If you have published a lot of content on your blog, having infinite scrolling will help the visitors find old posts just by scrolling down on your website. If you do not have infinite scrolling, visits need to check the archive section, which is very unlikely.