Is it necessary to have a goal before saving money.


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It could be necessary for an individual to have a plan a goal or possibly an objective backing up his act of saving money . And it is true that majority of people save money possible because of a particular goal or objective they are hoping to accomplish and to achieve with the money they have possibly saved . But it is not entirely necessary that an individual should always have a goal and objective before he or she engaged in the financial activity of saving money and that is because reasons to save money can totally pop up in an individual's head sooner or later but what is important is having the financial equippness to exhibit and accomplish these goals and objectives . Basically what I'm trying to say is that , an individual must save money even if he or she does not presently have any goal or objective and the reason is because saving money is not only beneficial for achieving goals and objective of also it is also important for achieving and accomplishing unforeseen occurrences and uncalled circumstances that are more likely to occur in the future .

Some of the goal or objective you may have towards saving money is possibily to establish a business, to invest in an online investment, or possibly for charity and philanthropical activities etc . Even if you do not have goals and objective to accomplish presently it is still advised to save money for future unforeseen goals and objectives .
Yes, a goal is necessary to save money. Without a goal, you might not be able to save any money because the goal is too vague and without an end. You may even say that you want to buy something in a few years, but it is hard for you to determine exactly what it will take time and energy out of your day to achieve. By setting a clear goal, you can then set your sights on saving towards that goal. Some people say that they want to save money, but they do not know how to save their money. In this case, it is undoubtedly necessary to set a goal because you need some direction in order to save the money. Without a clear destination, it's hard for you to take the first step. To some extent, the so-called lack of desire is actually a lack of a goal. Therefore, your lack of desire is not an excuse for not saving your money in order to achieve your dream or fulfill your needs.
It is not entirely necessary for an individual to have a goal or objective backing up his habit of saving money but if he or she does have a goal or objective to accomplish with the money he or she is saving then good for him or her . The act of saving money is indeed an obligatory activity which an individual does not do for fun but rather do because he or she knows the benefits and importance that comes with saving money . What are the possible reasons why majority of individuals saves money today is possibly because the future is filled with so much unforeseen and enjoyed circumstances and occurrences which if we are not prepared for could overwhelm us in such a way that we are left with nothing to do .

To be able to handle this unforeseen occurrences and circumstances money involvement must take place because majority of unforeseen occurrences and circumstances we really need money to be resolved and to be properly handled . Also be financially equipped at all times with the money you have possibly saved is indeed a good idea .
I agree with you on the fact that you should have a goal for saving. It helps you and gives you more zeal to save because you have a goal which you set.

But I think in my own opinion, savings must not be done with set goals. Saving is usually done ahead if unforseen circumstances that a person or an individual may face at any time.

So goals must not be your motivation towards saving though the thought of unforseen circumstances may also be a reason or in other words your goal for saving, but savings must not be facilitated by some set goals.

But speaking on goals it is indeed advisable and good that if you need to save and find it hard, you set a goal and in pursuit of that goal save money. Savings is very important and I think for me I do not need anything to help me keep with it.
There are so many reasons why people save money. At the same time a lot of people are also saving money because they just feel that when they have enough money they can be able to plan their life perfectly. For whatever reason a person is saving money , the most important thing is proper utilisation of the money you have saved to achieve something tangible. You may not likely needs to have a plan before you think of saving money. This is a natural thing that must be done by anyone who is working and earning..
Personally there are so many reasons I save my money and I will needs a lot of plans and preparation for me to save money and achieve all the things I have planned for.

It all depends on people's plan and preparation in life. It seems 90% of people save some money for a particular purpose.
Well I won't say yes or no because I could remember when I was younger in age my parent do give me pocket money I didn't have any goal of what I would use the money but I had to save it and as a result it serve me a huge purpose at school so won't really say that it is necessary.

We save money in case issues occur in future that needs our help we could use that money which we save to sort out those problems that are affecting us.
We could also save money to achieve a goal maybe to open a business, some usually add money to their plans they save money for something the needs like to buy a land, house, car or even pay children school fees this are all plans that they set in order to save money.

So what ever one want to do he need to be prepare because no one knows what the future will bring to us, so preparation and focus should be the very important point when we are saving money.