Ketogenic diet


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Ketogenic diet are low carb high fat diet that offers a lot of health benefits they help us to lose weight and also improve our health and they also increases the risk of developing diabetes epilepsy Alzheimer's disease and cancerit's mostly involves reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat so when there is reduction in cab that is in your body it is called kurtosis and that way to make your body to be more efficient to burn fat for energy and it also turns fact it wicked tunes in the liver which supply energy for the brain this ketonic diet can cause reduction in blood sugar and insulin level we have different types of ketogenic diet we have the standard ketogenic diet that has a low carb a high-fat diet and a moderate protein other one is cyclical ketogenic diet this one have a high-carb and we also have targeted ketogenic diet that allows you to add carb during workoutwhy the last one is high protein ketogenic diet this one I'm mostly include protein it is very high in protein but the best one among all is the standard ketogenic diet so ketogenic diet is very helpful for losing weight