Key strategies to keep your job in the workplace


VIP Contributor
The truth is that they are people both outside and inside that might be eyeing your position in the workplace. This simply means you need to do whatever Is within your power to keep your job. Being jobless again and getting another job cannbe depressing, especially if you were enjoying your job and never thought about quitting any time soon only to be thrown out

This is why it is always good to adopt measures that would help you keep your job for a long time. So how can you keep your job no matter the competition.

First try to be unique to avoid being replaceable

Be punctual to work: This will help you be aware what is happening around you as early as possible.

Add value to your position and job. Let people know that you can be depended on with good advice and ideas on tackling problems pertaining to your job

Help your coworker to know you are an asset.

Add yours?


VIP Contributor
If you're lucky enough to have a job that you really like, it's easy to get stuck in a routine. But it's good you know how to keep job. But if you want to keep your job, you need to make sure that you're always learning new skills and developing new ideas.

Here are five key strategies for keeping your job at work:

1. Take advantage of your company's training opportunities. This is not just about getting more training hours; it's about learning how to learn. And the best way to do this is by doing the training yourself — or better yet, helping others do it.

2. Try some new things at work. You can't be an expert in everything, so don't try to be one; instead, find something that interests you and then spend more time on it if possible.

3. Stay up-to-date on industry trends by reading trade publications and blogs from within your company or industry sector, as well as from outside sources such as publications dealing with global business issues such as Forbes or Bloomberg BusinessWeek (both are free online).

4. Ask questions — but not too many questions! Learn how best to ask for what you need in order for them to be answered efficiently and effectively by those who have that knowledge or skill set within.


VIP Contributor
Your points are apt they need to ask questions. This is one fast way to get to understand the dynamics of a place better and it isn't everything you should ask questions to avoid being nosy. it is good to ask on very important ones and then use one's initiative to conclude on others.

Another great point is taking advantage of the training in the place of work. it is good to avail oneself for a training like this, you don't want to miss some vital information that you cannonly get from a professional since it is a training. This will help you to be able to tackle your job effectively to get noticed.

The thing is that some things are just mere luck too. So you should also always hope that the universe will work in your favor as you put in work. it is not easy but you can still succeed at it.